Download Labernia Fonts Family From Tipo Pèpel

Download Labernia Fonts Family From Tipo Pèpel

In 1864, a new edition of ‘Labèrnia dictionary’ was published. The book is commonly known under this name as a homage to the author. The typeface used in this publication has been taken as the main reference for the design of a new type family. Labernia is a didone design that includes several variations in width, weight, and contrast. Labernia is a stylish typeface, which pushes its design features to the limit. The high-contrast strokes—seen in most modern typefaces—give a delicate softness to the titling cuts of Labernia. Meanwhile, the characters in the condensed version have a very compact body so they create a highly expressive text. In the italic letterforms, the long terminals aim to connect the characters without touching. And, if we look at the figures we will see a more decorative design, which helps to build a strong personality.

Download Labernia Fonts Family From Tipo Pèpel

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