uplfuxtdkv Download Frasa Fonts Family From Tokotype
Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Frasa is a contemporary serif family with traits that emerge from the charms of Caslon and touch of transitional style, the design delivers unique proportions to serve long-running small text and the firmness of its own form assisting as big type headline. The devil is in the details, Frasa expressing the idea that the family defined by its tradition from its own forefathers through the small details exposing the personality of the typeface, such as pointy ball terminals and formidable shoulders. The italic members also have their attractiveness, designed to humanize the form based on stylized and natural cursive style, this intended to emphasize the key points in a text context. Another feature of this type family added to meets standard typographic needs such as Small Capitals, Old Style Figures,...