
Showing posts with the label artdeco

[mikkj] Download Tellumo fonts from Monotype

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Tellumo , a new humanist geometric sans serif typeface, has all the attributes you need for a workhorse sans with a few surprising details.   It has moderate proportions, a low stroke contrast, open apertures, and an x-height that makes it drive with ease in running text. A modest range of six weights, from Thin to ExtraBold, make it versatile without being overwhelming. The lightest and heaviest weights are best saved for headlines and subheads. It features a set of swash caps that can add magnitude and sparkle to short headlines, making it excel in packaging designs.   Tellumo feels at home with Mid-century Modern and Art Deco aesthetics. It looks precise, tidy, and welcoming for architecture and home goods. It looks clean, fresh and modern for beauty and wellness, or elegant and approachable for fashion. It has a balance of clarity and personality, suitable for branding and advertising...

Download Kalalua Fonts Family From dmrailabstd

Download Kalalua Fonts Family From dmrailabstd Kalalua is a modern display family. Kalalua includes a full set of large and small letters as well as multi-lingual and currency support, numbers, punctuation, alternatives, binders and some additional glyphs.  Feature:  • A-Z Character Set (Uppercase & Lowercase)  • Numbers & Punctuation  • Accents (multilingual characters)  • Alternative Style  • Titling    This font can be used for many uses:  • Display  • Banner design  • Cover design  • Writer  • Other end products    Kalalua is suitable for creating beautiful things and lots of creative works. Thank you for appreciating this font and we are happy to design it. Download Kalalua Fonts Family From dmrailabstd Download Now View Gallery

Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher Design

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 »Artis« is the name for my latest art-project-font. Obviously I just chopped off the last »t«. Then I looked it up on Wikipedia and what do you know, it is of latin descent. »Ars Gratia Artis« which means »art for arts sake« or in French »l’art pour l’art«, a perfect font name. If I would cut off the »s« as well it would mean disambiguation and that in turn is, what I just did here. Enough disambiguation! »Artis« is a modern classical beauty with extreme contrast between up- and downstrokes that make it unique with a touch of art deco and showing Renaissance roots. But – »Artis« is a twin-font that has an elegantly decorated twin sister »Artis-Swing«. Between the 2 fonts you have endless possibilities for combination. I love these twins! It is a great everyday workhorse with seven weights from E...