
Showing posts with the label text

Download Harri Text Fonts Family From Blancoletters

Download Harri Text Fonts Family From Blancoletters Harri Text is more than an extension of Harri. It shares its origin, a certain flavour and a great deal of its idiosyncrasies, but while Harri is an uppercase-only typeface intended for display uses, Harri Text is conceived as a text type family, including a new extra-light weight, italics, small caps and other additions that make it suitable for editorial purposes. As its predecessor Harri Text addresses several concerns regarding the dualism neutrality vs. idiosyncrasy, or in other words, how local features meet global design in the context of a modern society (as is the case in the Basque Country in recent times).  The origin of Harri Text —vernacular Basque lettering for the most part— is full of idiosyncrasies and peculiarities that, while giving them its special character, may hinder readability in some cases. The default set in Harri Text tones its essence down a little bit. It is still present, a...

Download Artigo Fonts Family From Nova Type Foundry

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Artigo is an old style inspired typeface system for text. It was inspired by the handwriting aspect of the first roman types but it intends to be a contemporary interpretation. Its abilities are in small text with personality. The italics capture a lot of its dynamic feeling even more expressive on the display version that stands as the most handwritten one. It gives text a lot of personality and great readability. Download Artigo Fonts Family From Nova Type Foundry Download Artigo Fonts Family From Nova Type Foundry

Download Sultan Nizar Pro Fonts Family From Sultan Fonts

Download Sultan Nizar Pro Fonts Family From Sultan Fonts In 2014 I designed the Nizar font here It was prompted with great interest by graphic designers, today I am developing the Nizar Pro font, this font does not replace the previous Nizar font but rather continued it, in a way that does not depend on the literal transmission of Nizar Qabbani's method of writing, as the new script relied on the inspiration of Nizar's writing and imparting it Improvements and corrections to the previously designed Ruqah script rules found here The Nizar Pro font includes wide and Normal pens, so it provides all flexibility for the user to process the text and creative work.  The font Nizar Pro includes Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Urdu and Latin languages In the font Nizar Pro has many of OpenType features  Download Sultan Nizar Pro Fonts Family From Sultan Fonts...

Download Rothwood Fonts Family From Type-Ø-Tones

Download Rothwood Fonts Family From Type-Ø-Tones In 2011, while tutoring an exercise on Slab Serifs, Josema discovered Robert Thorne’s work for Thorowgood. Specifically, he was fascinated by the extraordinary density of the 6-line Egyptian Pica from 1820-21. As a simple exercise, he wanted to test the limits of readability within the context of a contemporary alphabet. Rothwood Ultra is the result of this experiment. As a way of developing the series, he found it interesting to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and discover how to evolve the extra-black Ultra’s DNA into a super lightweight model. The Hairline and Thin styles are her slim sisters.  The third challenge has been the creation of the text version. Light, Book, DemiBold and Bold, including italics and Small Caps close the Rothwood cycle for editorial use. Download Rothwood Fonts Family From Type-Ø-Tones Download Now View Gallery